Adinkra are visual symbols that represent concepts, proverbs, and aphorisms. They originated from the Gyaman people of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Back then, they featured as prints on cloth which royals wore to important ceremonies. But they have transcended these Ghanaian and Ivorian origins. They now grace logos, clothing, furniture, architecture, and more. These new usages embody a global recognition of their profound cultural significance.
Saturated with meaning, Adinkra have come to represent the richness of Akan culture in particular and African culture in general. They serve as a concise way to convey deep truths in visual form. In fact, many of the symbols have their own associated Akan proverbs. Their widespread adoption, especially among African Americans and other Africans across the diaspora, has solidified their status as icons of African symbolism and philosophy.
Visit adinkrasymbols.org for more information